The EliteDrive Economy Module has been developed and programmed to provide additional torque to a safe and reliable level. This delivers a significant fuel economy benefit by way of creating more torque with less revs, allowing you to use less pedal for the same result.
Each economy Module is programmed specifically to suit your vehicle’s engine. The wiring loom connects to your fuel rail and boost sensors and intercepts the fueling signal sent by your ECU and modifies this in real time to then send on a new signal that creates a lot more torque. This additional torque is what gives you the ability to save fuel. As a result of lower revs to achieve the same power output. saving fuel will happen automatically. Add in an economical driving style alongside the economy tune and you can realistically save 15% on your weekly fuel bill.
Nothing will give you the power plus fuel saving like an Elitedrive Diesel Economy Power Module.
Your Elitedrive Diesel Economy Module is programmed specifically for your engine and the wiring loom includes plugs that match perfectly with your connections. The wiring loom installs to your fuel rail and turbo boost sensor. This allows the Economy Module to raise fuel rail pressure safely while simultaneously making more boost available to create extra torque. Because boost is raised, your air/fuel ratio’s remain standard and any hot Exhaust Gas Temps are taken care of by the increased exhaust flow.
This makes the Economy Module a 100% Plug and Play Fuel Saving solution requiring NO Hardware upgrades to operate.
While this sounds too good to be true, the Government want us to save fuel and create less of a carbon footprint and by installing an Economy Module into your diesel, you’re doing just that.

Suitable for Ford Ranger PX Series range - EliteDrive Power Modules are custom made to suit your vehicle make, model and year. Please complete your registration at checkout and our team will develop your custom Power Module to suit.