Rust Protection
Rust Protection
Why use an Electronic Rust Protection System?
An Electronic Rust Protection System (ERPS) sends a negative charge through the body of the vehicle, which neutralises the chemical reactions that cause rust – ultimately, keeping your vehicle rust free.
How does it work?
Put simply, rust forms as a result of a chemical reaction between your vehicle and its environmen. . . Show More >
Why use an Electronic Rust Protection System?
An Electronic Rust Protection System (ERPS) sends a negative charge through the body of the vehicle, which neutralises the chemical reactions that cause rust – ultimately, keeping your vehicle rust free.
How does it work?
Put simply, rust forms as a result of a chemical reaction between your vehicle and its environment. When your vehicle is exposed to humidity, moisture or salt water this reaction is accelerated and the severity of the rust is dramatically increased.
The system generator is connected to your main vehicle battery and connected to a number of pads or couplers around the vehicle. The generator draws a tiny current that won’t flatten your battery. From here, the generator increases the voltage and transfers this to the couplers around your vehicle.
The couplers distribute this charge around the vehicle body. This negative charge, which is electron rich, helps to reduce the rate of oxidation and ultimately, prevent rust.
The end result is that your vehicle is protected against rust and you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing your vehicle is protected 24/7 every day of the year.
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